If youths are not thinking of inclusiveness in their developmental programmes, how then do we have the moral right to fight or raise our voice because we are exempted from the leadership positions in our dear nation?
During Youth Speak Loud Public Lecture we discussed issues around rural youth and development programme inclusiveness.
Part of the issues raised at the Youth Speak Loud yesterday was:
1. We need to start working toward raising economically empowered youths both in the urban and in the rural areas of our dear country.
2. That youth should not have entitlement mentality as the same thing goes for female gender in their pursuit of gender parity.
3. It is said that until we stop executing programmes that are just a one-man idea, our communities will not experience trues development. Community-Centered projects are those which the idea came directly from the people themselves.
4. Projects and programmes should be designed to reach more youth in the rural community.
5. That it is not enough to understand your right as a citizen, you must also need to understand your limitations under the law.
6. The only way to break free from the grasp of economic torments is to acquire economically sensitive skills, collaborate, understand the place of network and influence etc
7. It was said that youth is approximately 60% of the total voters and we are still begging for leadership position from the minority section of the voter #NotTooYoungToRun.
8. With peace expert in attendance as presenter, the issues of were discuss in relation to youth, election and conflict resolution. Thank you Madam Sabine Devlieger teaching me alot about peace. Thank you
With presentation from State Coordinator, Csacefa Pacesetter/Dir of Prog Educare Trust Nigeria, President Coalition
of CSOs working on Peace, Legal Practitioner and Secretary of Children Protection Network, Director – National Orientation Agency, no doubt we had a wonderful time discussing Human Rights and Youth Civic Engagement, Dr Kosoko Joseph O(President ETGIN).

My Appreciations goes to Amuludun FM 99.1 (Our official media Partner) Adekunle Emmanuel TJ, Gafar Saka, Oluwatosin Philip Oguntunde, Abu Zimmer Maldini, Ismail Alatise, Israel Ayodamola Bayode, John Izuchukwu (OAP and programme anchor) and everyone present at the event.
Team Members: Hon Oduwale Abiodun Ccon, Asiwaju Adigun Abiola, Akinpelu Ademola Moruff, Denjiben Pele, Musiba Idris
We are looking for partners, collaborators, and sponsors for our next public lecture coming up soon.
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