State of Security and Insecurity in Nigeria: A case of Zamfara Killing with John Oluwafemi Olla Anchored by Ajibade Abiodun on Noble 107.1 FM

Yesterday (April 8, 2019) I was at Noble FM 107.1 where we discussed Zamfara killings and the roles of government in solving the problems of insecurity.
Mr Abiodun Ajibade was my host. We tried to X-ray the connection of “Minning activities, Cattle Rustling, Armed Banditry…” to the killing presently going on in that region. We also looked at the effort of the president in finding lasting solutions to these menaces.
As a champion of Open Government Partnership, I also raised some questions about the issue of Minning in the region, as to
Who gave them the approval? how are they being monitored? who controls who gets what? how did foreigners find their way into our mining fields? among others.
All these questions speak to transparency in the extractive industry… We will keep reaching out to the authorities in Nigeria and I believe one-day project Nigeria will be a success.
Olla John IamBezaleel Oluwafemi