• +2347030658304
  • info@acthubafrica.org
  • Plot 27 Airport Road, Alakia 200113, Ibadan, Oyo

John Oluwafemi Olla – Profile

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John Oluwafemi OLLA

Team Lead, Acthub for sustainable development foundation

I am the executive director of Acthub for Sustainable Development Foundation, a civic-tech and youth-focused nonprofit organization based in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.
I am an information scientist (M.Sc. Information Science), trained at the University of Ibadan. Currently provides young people in the rural communities in Nigeria with economically sensitive skills and encourages young people to become active in civic issues. Femi is a multi-talented Community Based Development Expert with proven experience and vast knowledge in areas of Training, Capacity development, Teens Mentoring, Research, Analysis, Community Mobilization, and Project Management. He had organized several pieces of training on Freedom of Information, Tracking, Advocacy, and Evidence Gathering for youths in Oyo state. He is the team lead for Acthub for Sustainable Development Foundation, a civic tech and youth focus organization. His initiatives include Local Government Accountability (#LGAccountified), Legislative Tracka (#LegTracka), #PeoplesReport and Social and Environmental Accountability Project (#SEAP).
I have moderated and spoken during several conferences on both local and international platforms. I currently sit as a member of the Democracy Moves Advisory Board.
Youth-focused Profile
I am the team lead for youth Advocating for Development, established in collaboration with Akinyele Community Youth Organization to mobilize youth participation in community development in the various local community. I founded and co-led “Youth Speak loud” (Twitter @youthspeakloud) with over 50 members and five-member organizations from 3 local governments in Oyo State. I am presently a training consultant to the Ministry of Youth and Sport in Oyo state. I help them develop training material/content for youth in entrepreneurship and engage in training services.

In 2018 I published a book titled “The Mentor” after my mentorship advocacy tour of 23 secondary schools in Oyo state to help teenagers realize their potential with little or no mentors available, especially for children in the rural/semi-urban areas.