• +2347030658304
  • info@acthubafrica.org
  • Plot 27 Airport Road, Alakia 200113, Ibadan, Oyo
Destruction of Public Properties: The laying of Fibre Optics in Nigeria – John Acthub

Destruction of Public Properties: The laying of Fibre Optics in Nigeria – John Acthub

The cases of vandalization of significant roads by mobile network providers laying underground cables across the Oyo state are becoming alarming.

Our Social & Environmental Accountability Project team sampled some cases, including Aremo, Irefin and Iyana Agbala leading to Iwo-Road Ibadan.

We will like to know whether there is a prior agreement with the perpetrators not to fix the roads after the digging and laying of their cables because we believe this could be likened to throwing away the gain of constructing the roads.

For example, the unrepaired dug portion of the road at Irefin leading to Christ Apostolic Church Irefin has caused damage to the road, affecting the free flow of traffic.

We call on the government of Oyo State, Ibadan North East, to call whoever is falling in their duty post to account. In most of the affected areas, our interviews revealed that the communities are often not carried along in laying underground cables in their communities.

Is there a case like this in your community? Please share it here with us so that government can do the needful.